Conveyor Belt Cleaning



What to Do When Scrapers Can't Be Used?

Certain conveyor belts — like cleated and chevron styles — don't clean well using traditional scrapers. In this video, Joe introduces three products that can be used to clean dirty belting in these applications.

What you'll learn:

  • Idlers designed to shake refuge material from belting 
  • Clamp on urethane thumpers for existing steel rolls
  • Spiral-shaped rolls for conveyors from wet screens or screws

Key Insights

  • Superior beater rolls clean cleated or grooved belts effectively.
  • Beater rolls can be mounted on the return side for better cleaning.
  • Clamp-on thumpers allow for adjustable vibration to enhance cleaning.
  • These thumper designs ensure gentle cleaning while maintaining belt integrity.
  • Spiral urethane rolls discharge material outward, preventing accumulation.
  • Ideal for wet applications, particularly after screens and screws.
  • Effective options exist for various belt conditions and materials.

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